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Calendar for March, Rite II
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Calendar for April, Rite II
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Audio morning prayer is available from here or from here (Scroll down the page there.) which originates at The Episcopal Church in Garrett County, Maryland.
All the other links and resources
Other Offices
Daily Devotions
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Prayer Books
Other Offices
Daily Devotions
Daily Offices Elsewhere
from the Scottish Episcopal Church
Evening Offices Elsewhere
Compline from St. Mark's Cathedral, Seattle, Washington
Thursday Evensong from Grace Catherdral, San Francisco, California
Prayer Books
Libro de Oración Común 1979 (Acrobat PDF)
A New Zealand Prayer Book/He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa
The List of Hymns at The Mission of St. Clare
Android: the Android app is no longer available. Please place a shortcut to this page on your homescreen.
The Rev. Elisheva Barsabe, Vicar (general website madness)
The Rev. Eliot Moss, Curate (document transformations and downloads)
Mr. David Vernon Houston, Senior Warden (proofreading and text correction)
Mr. Richard DeVries, Verger (link checking and other)