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The Hymnal |
By First Line
A mighty fortress is our God—choir
A new commandment I give unto you—choir | video
All creatures of our God and King—choir | video
All my hope on God is founded—choir | video
All praise to Thee, my God, this night—choir
All things bright and beautiful—choir | video
Alleluia! sing to Jesus—choir | video
Amazing grace—choir
Awake, awake to love and work—choir
Be still, my soul—choir
Be Thou my Vision—choir | video
Blessed Jesus, at thy word—choir | video
Christ is made a sure foundation—choir
Christ, whose glory fills the skies—choir
Come down, O love divine—choir | video
Come, gracious Spirit—choir | video
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire—choir | video
Creator of the Stars of Night—choir | video
Dear Lord and Father of mankind—choir | video
Ding dong merrily on high—choir | video
Dona nobis pacem—choir | video
Fairest Lord Jesus—choir | video
For all the saints—choir | video
For the beauty of the Earth—choir | video
For where two or more are gathered—choir | video
Forty days and forty nights—choir
Gloria in excelsis Deo—choir | video
God grant you many years—choir
God who made the Earth and heaven—choir
Good shepherd, Peter—choir
Grant peace, O Lord—choir
Guide me, O you great Redeemer—choir | video
Hallelujah Chorus—choir
Holy God, we praise Thy name—choir
How long, dear Savior—choir | video
Hymn to God the Father—choir
I greet Thee, who my sure Redeemer art—choir | video
I sing the mighty power of God—choir | video
If ye love me—choir
Immortal, invisible—choir | video
Jesus Christ is risen today—choir | video
Jesus walked this lonesome valley—choir | video
Kyrie, Misa Criolla—choir
Lead, kindly Light—choir
Let all things now living—choir | video
Listen, my people, when you pray—choir | video
Lo, how arose e're blooming—choir | video
Lord God Almighty—choir
Lord God, we thank you—choir
Lord, hear my prayer—choir
Lord, I want to be a Christian—choir
Lord Jesus, think on me—choir | video
Lord, let my prayer prevail—choir | video
Lord, let thy servant—choir
Lord of all hopefulness—choir
Lord, thy Word abideth—choir
Lulay, lulay, thou little tiny child (The Coventry Carol)—choir | video
Morning has broken—choir | video
My hope is built on nothing less—choir | video
My Jesus, I love thee—choir
Night is come—choir
Now thank we all our God—choir | video
Now the day is over—choir
Of the Father's love begotten—choir | video
On Jordan's banks—choir
O God, our help in ages past—choir | video
O love, how deep—choir | video
O sons and daughters—choir
O splendor of God's glory bright—choir
O thou, who camest from above—choir | video
O Word of God incarnate—choir | video
Open your ears, o faithful people—choir
Our Father, Who art in heaven—choir | video
Past three o'clock—choir | video
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven—choir | video
Praise to the Lord—choir | video
Rejoice, the Lord is King!—choir | video
Ride on, ride on in majesty—choir | video
Saint Stephen was a holy man—choir | video
Savior, like a shepherd—choir
Shashensob emni (St. Mary—Coptic hymn)—choir
Sound sound your instruments of joy—choir | video
Spirit of God, descend upon my heart—choir
The Angel Gabriel—choir | video
The Cherubic Hymn (in English)—choir | video
The day you gave us—choir | video
The very first joy that Mary had—choir | video
The God of Abraham praise—choir | video
The King of love —choir | video
The King shall come —choir | video
The Lord bless thee—choir | video
The Lord's my shepherd—choir
The shadows of the evening hour—choir | video
The spacious firmament on high—choir | video
There's a wideness in God's mercy—choir
Thine be the glory—choir | video
This is my Father's world—choir | video
This is the truth sent from above—choir | video
Thou, Whose Almighty Word—choir
Though I may speak—choir | video
To my humble supplication—choir
Today I awake—choir
T'was in the moon of wintertime (The Huron Carol)—choir
Wade in the water—choir
We three kings—choir
What a friend we have in Jesus—choir | video
What wondrous love is this—choir
When at night I go to sleep—choir