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When the priests of idols heard of the arrival of Apostle Andrew they took their spears and went to the church. They stood outside to hear if he was cursing their Gods. They heard Philemon reading a Psalm of Prophet David, "Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; eyes they have, but they do not see; They have ears, but they do not hear; Noses they have, but they do not smell; They have hands, but they do not handle; feet they have, but they do not walk; nor do they mutter through their throat. Those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them" (Psalm 115:4-8).
Their hearts rejoiced and their emotions mellowed. They entered the church and bowed down at the feet of Apostle Andrew. He preached to them, they believed in the Lord Jesus, and he baptized them and all those who worshipped their idols.
He went with Bartholomew to the City of Azrinos, where the people were wicked and did not know God. They went on preaching and teaching them until they lead many of them to the knowledge of God because of the signs and wonders they performed before them. Those who did not believe plotted against them. Then Andrew left them, went forth and came to the country of Kurdistan, to the cities of Aksis, Aregnas and Henefores.
They sent for St. Andrew so that when he arrived they would attack and kill him. When their messengers came to St. Andrew, heard his teachings and saw his shining face, they believed in the Lord and did not return to those who had sent them.
The unbelievers decided to go themselves and burn him. When they gathered around him to do what they had intended, the Apostle prayed to the Lord and immediately fire came down from heaven to burn them. They were exceedingly afraid and they believed.
The news of St. Andrew was heard throughout all these countries and many believed in the Lord. Nevertheless, the priests of idols did not cease looking for him to kill him. They went to him, bound him and beat him severely. After that they dragged him naked around the city and cast him into prison that they might crucify him the following day. Their custom was to stone those who were to be killed by crucifixion. The Apostle spent the night praying to God. The Lord appeared to him and strengthened him saying, "Do not fear or worry for the time of your departure from this world is near." The Lord blessed him and disappeared. St. Andrew's soul rejoiced for what he saw.
The next day they crucified him and kept stoning
him until he died. Certain believers came and took the holy body
and laid it with great honor in a private grave. Many signs and
wonders were made manifest from his body.
Entering into the new-built monastery, the Monk Arkadii accepted monasticism and took upon himself the exploit of full obedience to his spiritual father, the Monk Ephrem. The Monk Arkadii never missed Liturgy and for Matins he appeared first together with his spiritual guide. After the repose of the Monk Ephrem (28 January 1053), the Monk Arkadii continued to pursue asceticism in accord with the last-wishes of his starets-elder, dwelling in prayer, fasting and quietude. And with the subsequent passage of some years he likewise expired to the Lord (13 December 1077).
In 1594 a chapel in the name of the Monk Arkadii
was built at one of the churches of Vyaz'ma. A combined celebration
to the Monks Arkadii and Ephrem was established under Metropolitan
Dionysii in the years 1584-1587. The relics of the Monk Arkadii,
glorified by miracles of healing, were uncovered on 11 July (in
earlier times his memory was celebrated on this day) 1677, in
a stone crypt of the Borisoglebsk cathedral of the city of Torzhk.
In 1841 on the left side of the Borisogleb cathedral church was
built a chapel in honour of the Monk Arkadii. Solemn celebration
of the 300 years from the time of the uncovering of the holy relics
of the Monk Arkadii took place in the city of Torzhk in the year
The Monk Mardarii, Hermit of Pechersk, asceticised
in the Farther Caves during the XIII Century. According to the
manuscript calendar, in the tropar and kondak he is called "non-covetous,"
and by the superscription over the relics -- "without cell."
His name is remembered in the 7th Ode of the Service of the Sobor-Assemblage
of the Fathers of the Farther Caves (28 August) together with
the Monk Ammon (commemorated 4 October), where he is called a
"zealot of poverty." He was buried in the Farther Caves.
His memory is celebrated also on 28 August and on the 2nd Sunday
of Great Lent.
The Monk Arsenios, the son of rich, illustrious
and pious parents, was born at Constantinople. The emperor decorated
him and made him military-commander and a patrician of the Cyberrhiote
military thema. One time, when he was sailing with his soldiers
upon the sea, a storm came up. The ships sank. Of all the soldiers
only Saint Arsenios was saved. After this he accepted monasticism
and he wearied the flesh by fasting, vigil and fetters. After
such doings he came to a certain place on Mount Latros, situated
in Asia Minor. There he killed a poisonous viper by his prayer
and the sign of the cross, and then he settled in the nearby Kelliboreia
monastery on the north side of the mountain, where he was chosen
hegumen. From the monastery the Monk Arsenios set off to a cave,
where he repelled wild beasts by prayer. Brethren gathered to
him. Usually he sat the entire week in the narrow cell, and on
Sunday he took food and instructed the brethren. Finally, the
Monk Arsenios attained such perfection, that he was nourished
by an Angel. By his staff he changed bitter water into sweet,
and having done many other miracles, he peacefully died amidst
the brethren.
They suggest the lifetime of the Monk Arsenios as between the VIII and X Centuries.