- The God of Abraham praise
- All creatures of our God and King
- All my hope on God is founded
- Let all things now living
- All things bright and beautiful
- Amazing grace
- A mighty fortress is our God
- For the beauty of the Earth
- Beauty for brokenness
- Be still, my soul
- Be still, for the presence of the Lord
- Be Thou my Vision
- Blessed Jesus
- Breathe on me, breath of God
- Longing for light
Christ is made the sure foundation
Come down, O love divine
Each step I take
Fairest Lord Jesus
God is love
God of Love, God of Joy
God, who made the earth and heaven
If ye love me
I love to steal awhile away
I sing the mighty power of God
I woke up this morning
Joyful, joyful
Lead me, Lord
Light of the minds
Lord God Almighty
Love divine, all loves excelling
Now thank we all our God
O worship the Lord
Pass me not, O gentle Savior
Praise to the Lord
Since Jesus my Savior
Spirit of God
Take time to be holy
Where charity and love prevail
Father, Lord of all creation
All hail, adorèd Trinity
Holy, Holy Holy!
Day by day
Alleluia! O praiséd be God