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Ah, Holy Jesus
All my hope
Amazing grace
Attende (in Latin)
Breathe on me
Dear Lord and Father
Fairest Lord Jesus
Forty days
Great is thy faithfulness
God is love
Jesus walked
Just as I am
Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Lord, I want to be
My song is love unknown
O love, how deep
O scared head
Pass me not
Ride on, ride on
Tell out, my soul
There's a wideness
Think on me
This is the truth
Though I have
Tree of life
Wade in the water
What wondrous love
And can it be
You have called us
Come to dark Gethsemane
Come to dark Gethsemane (instrumental)
Open the doors
You who dwell
I am thine (instrumental)
I bind unto myself
I bind unto myself (instrumental)
Joseph's lulluby
Mercy's sake
A new commandment
Jesus, remember me
Think on me
Were you there
We rise up